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Home TechTime July 2016
TechTime is a Neptronic publication aiming to inform you on the best ways to deal with common issues highlighted by our technical support team. Each edition features three new topics and will be posted on neptronic.com.
Go with the Flow
Electric Heater Airflow Direction Requirements

Neptronic electric heaters have many advantages over competitive designs and airflow direction is one of them. Click here to learn more.

The Great Outdoors
SK Electric Humidifier Outdoor Enclosure

Many customers have inquired about the weather enclosure of the SK300/SKE electric humidifiers. This month's TechTime will summarize the features of this unit. Click
here to learn more

Easy as 1, 2, 3
How to Manually Modify the Schedule via Tridium Workplace AX (Niagara)

Neptronic's 2nd generation controllers now have an integrated BACnet schedule. This allows the user to set one schedule for the building via the BMS or set zones individually via the BACnet schedule. Here is a step-by-step guide to manually modify the schedule via Tridium Workplace AX (Niagara). Click here to learn more.