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Factories are often uncomfortable work environments due to poor air circulation and heat generated by the machinery. Cooling is the key to increasing staff comfort, concentration and motivation, which will then improve production efficiency. By enhancing staff comfort, you also reduce risks of accidents, mistakes and absenteeism.

Our SKVF Evaporative Cooler is ideal for large industrial applications as it effectively cools large spaces by recuperating the room’s excess heat and uses it to evaporate water from the unit’s wet media to add moisture to the air. This energy transfer then contributes to cool the area. This energy recycling greatly reduces energy costs, especially in larger factory spaces where air conditioning costs could be prohibitive.

The SKVF can be used either in cooling or humidifying applications according to your needs. The SKVF controller allows for user inputs to be managed and prevents unwanted intervention in the operation of the evaporative cooler. Our optional HRL24 Room Humidistat/Thermostat can also be used to remotely monitor and manage the humidity or temperature levels.

Benefits of an evaporative cooler:

  • Increases employee comfort and performance
  • Reduces CO2 emissions and environmental footprint
  • Decreases risks of damage to temperature-sensitive products
  • Prevents machinery malfunction caused by dust and static

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